Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mixed News

So I had an ultrasound today and everything looked "perfect" with the baby, which I am happy to hear. Unfortunately, it was with Dr. you-know-who. The woman who does the ultrasound is fantastic and very nice to talk to. Then the Dr. comes in. Talk about lack of any bedside manner. First off, he barges in finishing a snack or something (clearly chewing) and says "See, I told you that you would go past your due date." Now, this is strange for two reasons. First, I never had this conversation with him. Second, I am still two weeks away from my due date. I pointed out to him that I still had two weeks left and he just blew me off. He clearly must have thought I was someone else. So much for even bothering to look at a chart before coming in. Then, without looking at anything he said "the baby is perfect, should be 7.5 pounds when you deliver." Then he said have a nice day and left. After this whirlwind I just looked at Bobby and said "what the hell?!?" First the illogical comment about my due date and then the illogical comment about the baby being 7.5 pounds when I deliver. The second comment is illogical because they told me the baby is 7lbs 4oz TODAY. That means that in two weeks it will likely be 8 or more pounds. Again, he clearly didn't bother to even look at the results of the ultrasound, which had both the weight and my due date. Heaven help the women whose babies he delivers.

In other news, my OB set an induction date of 3/30. Well, just before midnight on 3/30 anyway. Unfortunately for me, however, my body just isn't ready for labor yet because my cervix is still long and the baby hasn't dropped. Hopefully things will change in the next 10 days because I don't want to end up being forced into a c-section. Keep your fingers crossed for me! My OB won't be at the hospital until 5pm on 3/31 and if things go quickly she won't be there to deliver me (though, luckily, it won't be Dr. you-know-who either). Although, she has predicted a long and slow labor for me. Evil woman. This truly was a mixed bag kind of day.


'BOTB said...

Abby, My mother-in-law swears by spicy food, walking up and down stairs, and (oddly enough) onion rings. The onion ring theory might just be true b/c I'm pretty sure that's how Sarah got Adeline to shape up and start movin'!
Mom Hatgas also shared another trick with me...but I'm waay to embarassed to share that one with you!

Anonymous said...

You can never, ever be forced into anything you don't want to do. You don't even have to show up for your scheduled induction. Baby will come when baby is ready. That doctor is an ass-- can you imagine that person being there at a sacred moment like your birth?

If you're already afraid of being forced into an unwanted and unnecessary cesarean, it's time to find a new doctor, hospital or birth center. It sounds crazy, but it's not too late.

You deserve so much more than that bullshit.

We found a doula in the last week of my first pregnancy. It cost a lot but her presence was worth every penny to not be bullied. She stayed with me while they bullied my husband instead!

There is no evidence for inducing women who are "overdue" at 40 weeks. 42 weeks is "overdue." 40 weeks is the AVERAGE and there is nothing magical about that number, ok?

Good luck. Surround yourself with strong people so you don't have to deal with this crap while you are in labor.