Thursday, March 12, 2009


when i was pregnant with levi, we needed an "S" name after jeff's father stanley. hence, Levi Simon. at least once or twice a day for MONTHS, i would get emails from my mother filled with names that started with "S". she didnt like the names we were choosing and wanted to make sure we knew our options....including LISTS and LISTS of indian "S" names since she was living in India at the time.

Now, here I am 1 week from having a baby, and im surprised at how little input my mother has tried to have on the names. We have our names chosen (and for the most part they are secret), and we need an "A" name after jeff's grandma anna. My mother probably only once or twice in the last few months sent an email with names that start with "A" that she likes....(of course, all ones we would not even consider- sorry mom!).

Today, i got another email about a name from my mother. The subject of the email was "perhaps you could name her...."
is there something she knows that we dont know yet?

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