Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tali and Elliot: friends forever

yes- they are holding hands...

they are still holding hands...

they're both awake and happy...

she has her eye on him...

"im not letting you out of my sight"...

tali is "dressed to impress" her friend elliot on the day of his bris...

Monday, May 11, 2009

dating at a young age

tali and elliot officially had their first movie date today. and according to tali, it was a success. i think elliot would also agree!
good thing they were chaperoned- we wouldnt have wanted anything crazy to happen!

abby and i took a big risk today and went to see "ghosts of girlfriends past" at severance. we chose the earliest movie time (11:25am), and the theater least likely to care about screaming babies. when we pulled up, there were probably two cars in the parking lot (sigh of relief for both of us)....and there were only two other people in the movie with us and they made no rude comments or gestures about the fact that tali and elliot were present.

there were a few squeeks and grunts, and a couple of whimpers, but no all out crying or meltdowns....each baby was cuddled up against his/her respective mommy, cozy and happy as can be...

tali saw her first movie before levi!!!! and we're not stopping here. now that we know its possible, we're arranging for more dates in the near future. (and maybe, next time, we can do shaker square or cedar lee on a monday so we can have free popcorn too! or perhaps we should not mess with a good thing when we have it and stick with severance).

Thursday, May 7, 2009


how come i didnt buy one of these when i pumped breast milk for 1 year for levi? it would have made life a LOT easier...

so, this time, before tali was even born, i ordered one.
and it is the BEST invention ever!!!!
now, i can wear this absolutely gorgeous and sexy contraption to keep the pump attachments tight against me while i am feeling very much like a cow, so that as i am collecting the food source for my beautiful darling daughter, i can use my hands for much more entertaining things- such as blogging (no mental image needed), reading, and wasting time on the internet....and when im back at work (which im dreading and would love to stay home with my babies forever!), i can sit at my desk while im "milked" and play on my computer. PERFECT!!!!

they're not that expensive. every mommy who plans on pumping should definitely invest in one of these....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Half way!

Can you believe it?! I was officially 20 weeks yesterday and I have only posted once since finding out I was preg.....I'll work on that.

Last week we had the big ultrasound and much to the dismay of my mother we did not find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I think it will be such a fun surprise to see if we're having a daughter or son at the time s/he is born. We did find out that all looks great anatomy wise. As many of you know I worked in peds cardiology before and my big concern was seeing the heart had formed correctly - there were 4 chambers, a nice aortic arch, etc and the tech was very reassuring that everything looked great. Whew!

I have to tell you the best thing so far is seeing the baby at the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat - it is the best sound I've ever heard! When Joey saw the ultrasound and what actually looked like a baby he was amazed and I think he really started to get excited at that point. I'm looking forward to feeling the kicks - remind me I said this when I'm complaining about elbows/feet in my ribs in a few months.

I'm feeling fantastic - a little tired but overall I feel really good now. The 24 hour a day hangover feeling subsided around 14 weeks and since then I've felt like a real person again. I'm trying to work out a little bit more, mostly walking but its something.

My biggest complaint is I'm having a hard time finding maternity clothes. I really didn't like the maternity store at the mall but maybe I just need someone to help me navigate through it. I've had a little luck at Gap and Old Navy online. Anyone that has any suggestions, it would be most appreciated. I'm also thinking about getting a pregnancy pillow to help me sleep - anyone use one of those that they loved?

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Sign From Who?

Matt and I know that we would someday like to have children, we are just not that sure when that someday may be. Apparently someone out there thinks that that someday should be now! I opened the front door yesterday to find a teething ring, neatly placed, in the center of my front porch. What the !?!? This certainly does not belong to us and after running through a brief list of our friends with children, I can not seem to think of who may have 'dropped' this on our front porch. None of our friends have children of teething age, not that I know when that age is anyway! So, who left the teething ring (TR) on our porch? I do not mean to excite anyone, the TR is not a message to all that I am pregnant. I do think the TR is a (funny and clever) message from someone who thinks that I should get pregnant...anyone want to claim it!?!