Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Under the Weather Again

Sometime in my first trimester, I came down with a nasty headcold that just wouldn't quit and kept me at home for several days. Now, as I am coming into the home stretch I am hit with another nasty head cold. I figured it would be a nice way to come full circle with the pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to my impending leave and the tons of things to accomplish, I haven't been able to stay home. Although, I have to admit that I have not been really productive at work - mostly just holding the warm tea mug to my cheeks and wishing the time to go faster. I hate colds. They suck. They just hang around and there is nothing you can do to make them go away. Blah.

But, even in the midst of this temporary misery, I am feeling really good about our preparations for the baby. The nursery is ready with a month to spare and there are only a few more immediate necessities to pick up - like diapers. I still can't believe how soon this baby will be here, though. I have been making plans for things to do in March and it is dawning on me how little time there is left. And I have been having silly thoughts lately, like, 'the next time I buy toothpaste I will be somebody's mom.' At this point, it's just a waiting game to ride out the last weeks of pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

Tooth Paste- yeah Like you'll be using toothpaste after the baby is born...or deodorant or any kind of moisturizer...

Cara said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!