Monday, February 23, 2009

Parental Advisory

The other day I had the joy of riding shot gun with Marni. I was even luckier to be serenaded with some of Levi's favorite songs. I browsed the CD cases to educate myself on the music. To my surprise (and joy!) there were several selections by some of my favorite artists. O.A.R., Cake and Bare Naked Ladies, just to name a few. These are groups I've been listening to for years. Listening to these voices brought back visions of various concerts and college memories. Had you told me 10 years ago that I'd be listening to Cake on a children's CD, I would have laughed in your face. These are life's little surprises. What is even more surprising? I actually enjoyed the songs! I'm going to have to keep these CD's in mind for future baby gifts, perhaps. Check 'em out for yourself, 'For the Kids' and there are a few volumes, maybe more. Don't worry though, you can still catch the grown up versions in my ride!

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