Friday, September 5, 2008

Coca-Cola Saved My Life

Well, I never thought this would happen. I am a Coke drinker.

As a general rule, I don't drink pop (soda . . whatever). I don't get enough enjoyment out of it to waste the calories and rot my teeth. On rare occassions, I will drink an orange pop or a sprite, but NEVER a cola drink. I hate cola. It's gross. EXCEPT when it is the only thing that stops my nausea in its tracks. Then I love it. A lot.

Thanks to Laura who told me that nursing a warm, flat, Coke can be a lifesaver. I decided to give it a try when nothing else worked and it has become my remedy of choice in the last week and a half. Each afternoon at work, I buy a small bottle of coke and shake it bunch to get it as flat as possible. Then I pour small amounts into a cup at a time and sip it throughout the rest of the day and in the evening if necessary. I still don't really enjoy it, and it leaves my mouth feeling yucky, but it is sooo much better than the churning feeling. Woo Hoo! I almost feel like myself.

In other news, my sister is having her bachelorette party this weekend, and guess who gets to play designated driver to silly drunk girls in their early 20s? You guessed it, the pregnant sister of the bride! I don't care, as long as nobody minds ending the party by 10pm so I can go lay down.

1 comment:

Marni said...

its a big day today abby! 10 weeks means 1/4 of the way done with pregnancy!!!!! congrats!