Yes, that's what I call it too! The mother f*%#er gene........after 14 vials of blood to figure out why I've now had 2 miscarriages - heterozygous MTHFR gene and an elevated ANA titre are what were found. Niether of this issues are proven to be a cause of miscarriage but could be the issue. There is one test I've yet to do since the test must be done on certain days of the cycle - HSG - a ultrasound where they inject dye into my uterus to see if there are any structural issues with my uterus such as a septum. Both months since my miscarriage the testing days have been Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ugh.
MTHFR has several forms and lucky for me the heterozygous form is the "best" one to have. It has to do with the way my body is able to process folic acid and is a clotting issue. The treatment is high dose folic acid and an 81mg aspirin daily. The homozygous form mandates lovenox or heparin injections daily during pregnancy. If I have another miscarriage we will try lovenox. At the recommendation of my endocrinologist, the next cycle we try to conceive I have the pleasure of using progesterone suppositories cycle day 17-28 (if I'm pregnant I get to use them for 10-12 weeks and if I'm not pregnant I stop them for that cycle so I will then have my period).
To be honest, I'm not sure what we'll do if I have another miscarriage. We may choose surrogacy or adoption rather than going through the emotional roller coaster again. We'll cross that bridge if we get there. My hope and prayer is the 3rd time is a charm.
Friday, January 2, 2009
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MTHFR indeed! I'll be thinking about you and wishing all my positive pregnancy vibes on you!
Sending you my best thoughts. Go baby aspirin, go!
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