Saturday, April 26, 2008

baby kisses

i want a baby!!!!

jeff, levi, and i went over to visit ivy simone last night. we brought dinner and hung out, talked, ate. i got to hold ivy for a while, even change a couple diapers....she is so perfect! so beautiful! it seems like so long ago that levi was that little, that cuddly.....holding ivy last night made me want another little one....

josie is exhausted, as expected. that is the one thing i dont miss about a brand new baby. feeding every 2-3 hours, sometimes every 1 hour it seems, problems with breast feeding- which i know ALL about, and constant diaper changing- dirtying a diaper literally 2 seconds after it is put on, or while it is being put on. i used to feel that there was no more exhausted a person could be. being in residency when i had levi, people at work seemed to think they understood about being tired because of residents 30 hour shifts.....but with having a baby, those 30 hour shifts are constant without rest between....without the guaranteed 10 hours off between shifts to catch up on sleep....but that sleepless stage passes quickly, sleep returns, and becomes that much more precious!

i cant (wont) go to india pregnant....but im leaving for india in 2 weeks so that means the clock can start ticking soon.....

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