Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baby Chills

So if Marni, Abby and Jami have baby fever, I definitely have baby chills. I think one of the contributing ideas of this whole blog idea is that it's comical to hear the difference in baby fever levels here on eaton road. I'm very not overcome with baby fever. I'm anti baby fever, and it's funny to sit in on baby fever conversations. I'm like the jack ass in the corner, heckling the comedian, just laughing at baby fever and talking about my un-motherly abilities. I don't hate babies, and I'm sure someday I'll have babies, but right now my favorite babies are the ones that support their own head and go home with their mommy and daddy at the end of the night. I'm sure this is completely normal. I love hearing every one's baby stories and baby fever stories, but I love knowing that I don't have to soothe a crying baby or change any dirty diapers. Hell, I can barely get myself out the door in time for work, I couldn't imagine juggling a baby! Someday I'll have baby fever, (at least my mother-in-law hopes I'll have baby fever) maybe it will hit when I least expect it. Does this sort of fever creep up on you? For now I'll be the crazy girl next door that feeds your kid chocolate at 9pm and chases them around the dining room table a couple dozen times before sending them home for you to put them to bed. Sweet Dreams!

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