Friday, May 23, 2008

You Can't Get FES If You Don't Have a Fetus, Right?

So I am currently 1 week post conception attemptround 1 and so far no news to report. I already feel like a bad parent, though. I was planning on swearing off all caffeine and alcohol until I determine whether or not we got anything going here. But, alas, I felt so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open at my desk. So, after taking a poll of the moms in my office, I determined it would be fine to have a small coffee. That's exactly what I did and it worked wonders. Then, when faced with a glass of wine toward the end of a particularly stressful week, I made the choice to go ahead and have it. The way I see it is, right now, if anything, I only have a small collection of cells and no fetus yet. So there is no risk for fetal alcohol syndrome. I joke, but in reality I have it on the advice of a trusted individual that a glass of wine before you even find out if you are pregnant is ok. Well, PMS seems to be kicking in (albeit a little early) so my guess is that I won't be announcing a baby Botnick this month. We shall see.

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Abby said...
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