Monday, May 19, 2008

Come On In, The Water's Warm!

Well, I have leapt into the baby-making pool with both feet (and my eyes shut tight).  We just returned from spending a glorious week in beautiful and awesome northern California.  After riding the fence for quite some time, I was ready to give this thing a whirl.  So we threw our hats into the ring and we'll just see where we land.  I feel pretty excited, actually.  I know that Bobby is really excited, and will be hoping that Ms. Flo doesn't arrive as previously scheduled.  Now its time for all you other ladies to join me - the water is quite lovely. (Except Cara . . . unless you want to . . . ).  Not that keeping pace with friends is ever a good reason to get pregnant, but if you're planning on doing it anyway, I sure wouldn't mind having one or two other people to go through this with.  After all, it would be a lot more fun if I could waddle around with friends, trade nausea stories (and remedies), and take turns driving Cara home from 1/2 price margarita night at Lopez.  As of right now, I feel exactly the same as I did last week.  I guess I have some time before I know whether we got something cookin' over here.  I'll be sure to keep you updated.

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