Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies, but not my babies!

So I've been meaning to post for a while now, and much of this goes back to the baby talk of possible pregnancies back in selfish as it may sound, I have to say that I'm slightly disappointed that nobody is pregnant. Aside from myself of course. My brother-in-law and his wife just had a baby a few weeks ago, and since they live in Columbus, we have not yet had a chance to meet the new addition! I went a few weeks ago to buy some presents for the first granddaughter and it was quite a treat. I had to make several calls to my mom to make sure I was buying the right things, what size do I get, should I get jackets, can the baby go sleeveless in the summer or is she too young...what do I know!?! I figured I'd stick with clothes since little Mia has an older brother with plenty of toys. The funny part is me, standing in the middle of the store, selecting these adorable little items and I periodically would start laughing at the sight of tiny little socks or teensie little shorts. How hysterically tiny these things are! I think the people in the surrounding areas who could hear me where getting quite a kick out of the crazy girl laughing in the corner. oh well. I do admit that it would be fun to have a new edition to the Eaton Road Clan so that I can buy more adorable baby clothes and cute baby toys! Besides, I still have a bottle of sparkling grape juice from the last holiday party we had, I'll hang on to it in order to toast the next big Eaton Road Announcement! (Sparkling Prosecco for me please!)

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