Tuesday, February 1, 2011

growing, changing

how did my little girl get to be a big girl?
no, she is not yet potty trained (and she says a BIG FAT NO NO NO whenever i ask her if she wants to sit on the potty), but she absolutely refuses to sit in her booster seat or a restaurant high chair anymore.
this is only mildly problematic. besides the obvious safety issue and keeping her in her seat during meals, it is extremely amusing watching her try to eat.
she is tiny. teeny tiny. at almost 2 years old, she is still 21 pounds. 3rd percentile for height. a little peanut. she is too short to sit in the chair and still be able to see (let alone reach and eat) her food. BUT- she demands it. she put up such a fight this past weekend about the stupid booster that we just put it away and gave in.
tonight, as she reached up to the table with her spoon in hand, digging into her bowl of chili like a true texan, she proved to me that no matter how small, she really is becoming a big girl. miracle of miracles, all that chili ended up IN her mouth and not on her clothes, on her chair, on the floor, or in the dog's mouth. and when she finished up with her portion, she simply got off her chair, walked to the other side of the table to levi's chair, climbed on up, sat down, and started in on his bowl of chili which he refused to even taste.

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