We debated back and forth. Do we buy a halloween costume for Elliot this year? Do we just dress him in black and orange? Or do we do nothing? I think we initially made a tacit decision to skip the costume because we would be spending the money, really, just to amuse ourselves. But then we were at Old Navy over the weekend and we both locked our eyes on a dragon and decided we just had to put him in it - hell, why shouldn't we be entitled to a little amusement. Besides, aren't we really just creating wonderful memories (and photos, and video) that we'll have for years to come? So, this year, for his very first halloween, Elliot is going to be a dragon. We've already tried it on him and he looks super awesome. So, if you find yourself on Eaton road this year, stop on by and see our little guy.
I'm with you--you totally deserve some amusement of your own!!! I was a squash for my first halloween (yellow zip up with no feet and a little felt green headpiece/stem) and while I don't remember it, the pictures are pretty funny.
Yes! yes! Yes! Adeline was an octopus last year. She was in the costume for all of an hour but it was still great times and very cute pics! I love the dragon costume.
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