6 months.
it is unbelievable to me that my little girl is already SIX MONTHS OLD.
it seems like yesterday that i was waddling around with this big belly, unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time without having this terrible urge to pee or move or adjust my whale of a body.
it seems like yesterday i was shaking in the operating room as they cut me open to pull out a screaming little baby girl.
it seems like yesterday that i was nursing a little bobble head every hour or so, only to finally get her to sleep and find it was time to wake her and feed her again.
it seems like yesterday that levi found out he was a big brother to a beautiful baby sister.
and then again,
i feel like i know her so well, how has it only been 6 months?
i know that she likes to watch levi play with his cars. i know she likes to be tickled on her neck. i know she loves green beans and pears, but doesnt care too much for peas or peaches. i know she loves reading books and singing songs and watching people. I know she loves toys that play music and she has learned how to get the music to turn on over and over again. i know that she loves rolling from her back to her belly, but sometimes just cant figure out how to get back over again. and i know she loves to sit up and stand up and jump, because then it is easier for her to see the world around her.
i know every little inch of her tiny body, every little fold (after fold after fold) of her chunky legs and arms.
being a mommy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. i savor each moment with my kids, crave for more time with them at each stage, and stare at them both in wonder and amazement about how i helped create such perfect little people.
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