Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Six Months of Elliot

  • The dogs
  • Sleeping on his knees with his tush up in the air and his arms tucked under him
  • Dancing
  • When people (or the dogs) sneeze - nothing makes him laugh harder
  • Books
  • Bananas
  • Mommy (super nice for me)

Doesn't Love:

  • To be hot
  • Ending up in the corner of the crib
  • Grandpa Chuck's beard (it scares him I think)
  • Being in his swing while mom and dad get ready for work
  • Pearl Jam (but dad is working really hard to change that)
  • Not being able to crawl to his toys or the dogs


  • Rolling
  • Grabbing at everything mommy tries to carry along with him
  • Flailing wildly when trying to get to a toy or dog just out or reach
  • Making lots of (adorable) of noises
  • Sitting up and playing
  • Sleeping

Hard to believe it was already half a year ago that we welcomed a tiny little Elliot into the world. He started like a tightly folded piece of paper, and now is slowling opening to reveal all kinds of facets and information. I swear he just gets more fun every day.

Here's to you Elliot, happy half birthday!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

happy half birthday

6 months.
it is unbelievable to me that my little girl is already SIX MONTHS OLD.
it seems like yesterday that i was waddling around with this big belly, unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time without having this terrible urge to pee or move or adjust my whale of a body.
it seems like yesterday i was shaking in the operating room as they cut me open to pull out a screaming little baby girl.
it seems like yesterday that i was nursing a little bobble head every hour or so, only to finally get her to sleep and find it was time to wake her and feed her again.
it seems like yesterday that levi found out he was a big brother to a beautiful baby sister.

and then again,

i feel like i know her so well, how has it only been 6 months?
i know that she likes to watch levi play with his cars. i know she likes to be tickled on her neck. i know she loves green beans and pears, but doesnt care too much for peas or peaches. i know she loves reading books and singing songs and watching people. I know she loves toys that play music and she has learned how to get the music to turn on over and over again. i know that she loves rolling from her back to her belly, but sometimes just cant figure out how to get back over again. and i know she loves to sit up and stand up and jump, because then it is easier for her to see the world around her.
i know every little inch of her tiny body, every little fold (after fold after fold) of her chunky legs and arms.

being a mommy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. i savor each moment with my kids, crave for more time with them at each stage, and stare at them both in wonder and amazement about how i helped create such perfect little people.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Full Time Lawyer, Part Time Mom?

Can we really do it all? Some days, it feels like I can - at least I feel hopeful that I can. But most days I feel like I am barely getting by - fitting in a full days work before picking up the baby and trying to get dinner ready. Then, if I am lucky, the baby isn't too tired to play for a bit before its time for a bath and bed. After that, I fall into bed myself, usually passing out quickly, only so that I can get up and do it all again. I work towards the weekend, where it whizzes by in an instant and I barely catch my breath before the new week begins. "Boo hoo", right? Aren't we all in the same boat? Maybe so, but why? I have found myself thinking a lot about this lately, and it dawned on me today that I feel like I am only a part-time mom. Don't get me wrong, Elliot is never far from my mind, but I don't feel like I am allowing myself a large enough chunk of my day or my life to commit to being just a mom.

Work is challenging and I love the intellectual workout in debating finer points of law or strategizing our moves on a case. And honestly, I think I would really miss the mental stimulation if it were gone. But I want to be able to have the ability to spend as much time researching and implementing my mothering goals and skills as I do my lawyering goals and skills. I want to be able to still have enough energy during the day to think of fun and creative things to do with Elliot, and the time to carry them out. He is really developing and it is so exciting, but I feel like so much of what is going on with him is being fostered by someone else. Ms. Sharon is making sure he spends more time on his tummy, and Ms. Sharon is feeding him cereal and bananas and trying to interest him in solids, and Ms. Sharon is working on moving him into nap time without a pacifier. Shouldn't it be me? I mean, I find myself saying, "oh, Elliot has to take a nap at x time today because that is what Ms. Sharon has established with him." Thank goodness we have a loving and caring day care environment, but shouldn't I be doing all of these things, and not taking her lead?

Working, not working, working part time. It's not about luxury or playing tennis or manicures to me. I just want to be able to have the time and energy to treat motherhood like the serious and full time job that it is. Right now, I feel like everything is all out of balance and I can't help but wonder why we do this to ourselves and what, ultimately, is the effect it has on our kids?

All of this just makes me feel a little bit sad. And as much as I loathe the thought of it, maybe there is something to the traditional way of running a family . . .

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Induction tonight

I just got off the phone with my OB's office and I will be going to the hospital tonight at 7pm for induction. YEAH!! I can't wait to meet this baby (and to be able to breath again and see my ankles and hands without swelling).

I also talked to our doula to let her know the plan. She will be joining us tomorrow at 6am when they start pitocin. (Tonight will be cervadil to soften my cervix) I will be trying to go natural but we'll see how things end up. If the pain tolerance I had during the amnio this morning is any indication I may end up with an epidural.....we will see. My goal is a healthy baby and however we need to get there is fine.

Please think thoughts of quick and easy labor..........

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tuesday is labor day???

SO - things have changed a bit in the last few days. I'll save all the drawn out details but here is the short version.

I went for my normal NST (non stress test) on Friday which lead to an ultrasound which showed my amniotic fluid is cloudy which lead to me being scheduled for an amniocentesis tomorrow morning at 730am which will lead to me being induced tomorrow night at 8pm if the baby's lungs are mature.

I am feeling so many emotions right now but mostly excitement. Of course anxiety about the big needle in my belly tomorrow morning but also about labor. I know women have been doing this for years and our bodies are made for delivering a baby but I just have fear of the unknown. I can hear everyone tell me what their experience during labor and delivery was but until I feel it myself I will be anxious about how its going to feel. I can't wait to meet beyonce!!

Sorry if this is just rambling but I am totally sleep deprived right now and not making alot of sense.

We will post details when we have them.........

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Take a deep breath....

that was what Joey told me to do at 2am when I suddenly woke up gasping for air and light headed. I'm guessing the girth of my belly and minimal room for my lungs was the culprit. After sitting in front of a fan and taking some deep breaths I started to feel better. I asked Joey to call the doctor and let him know he needs to get this baby out so I can breath. He didn't and I'm breathing slightly more comfortably now - definitely not looking forward to trying to sleep tonight.

In some ways I no longer know what it means to get a full nights sleep. I am up a minimum of 2 times having to pee - most nights I'm up 3-4 times. At this point I can no longer lay flat on my side so the mountain of pillows surrounding me has expanded in order to support me and my big belly. I know this is all a ploy to get me so frustrated that I would do anything to push this baby out when the time comes. Also, to get me ready for sleepless nights coming up with feedings and diaper changes. What I wouldn't give to sleep through the night just one more night before Beyonce arrives.

A lovely side effect to lack of sleep is that I have a hard time functioning mentally throughout the day. I forget words, special occasions, tasks I need to complete......ugh!

I had to get the complaining out of the way but I have to tell you that I'm so excited to meet the little kick boxer in my belly. I will miss the jabs and pokes (I still think its the coolest feeling ever) but I'm so looking forward to holding and kissing the chubby cheeks of this baby. I want to see the person Joey and I created. I want to find out the personality. I want to snuggle and smell that amazing baby smell. I can't believe I will experiencing all of that in less than 16 days.......