Wednesday, July 30, 2008

no prenatal care

im rounding this week so i am seeing new babies all day everyday....cute little bundles, perfectly formed little miracles....

recently, we have had an increase in the number of mothers who come in to deliver after having had NO prenatal care. Not one visit to the doctor.

It makes me really curious.

What do these moms think is going on? that not having a doctor visit means not really being pregnant? that prenatal care is unnecessary?

and the funny thing is sometimes these are not first time moms.....these moms already have another child or two and had prenatal care with their past pregnancies. maybe they think since theyve already done this a time or two, they know whats going on and everything will be fine?

most of the time, these babies are perfectly healthy, normal, beautiful babies (although we've all heard about - and some of us have even seen - babies who were born into toilets and then taken out of the toilet and put in the tray of dirty of kitty litter- and even these babies turn out ok)....and some women who try and try to get pregnant and cant or women who are so conscientious and perhaps a little neurotic have makes me sad.

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