Sunday, June 20, 2010

update, by request

my little diva, aka tali ariel, is very opinionated.

if she wants something, even with her limited vocabulary of about 20 words, she lets you know. if she doesnt want something, her head shakes so ferociously sometimes i wonder if she is going to vomit from dizziness. so goes the decision to stop nursing.
over the last month or so, it would be hit or miss. some mornings she would wake up and attack me for milk and some mornings she would refuse completely wanting only her cup of whole milk from the fridge. and same thing at night. most of the time before bed she would be so tired, she would want nothing to do with nursing and would rather cuddle up with her stuffed animal and go to sleep.
5 days ago, i think she made her decision. she woke up, didnt want to nurse, and that was it. she has refused it since then. this morning i even cuddled with her in the rocking chair for 20 minutes when she woke and she made no attempt at my chest (and i didnt offer, i just held her close and rocked her).
in fine with it. i thought i would be really sad. but my little girl is growing up, she is becoming more independent and doesnt need mommy to feed her anymore. i know she loves me just as much as she did before and now we'll just find other special things to bond over that dont involve my breasts....

1 comment:

Brandy said...

such a cutie! love the robe! :) I quit nursing at 8 1/2 months because my daughter was the same way - just totally over it! hoping with baby #2 I'll be able to nurse longer.