Long story short- tali was in the hospital for a couple days last week because she had a fever, and now everything is fine, but it was stressful and just when i thought i was getting back to myself, this threw me for a loop (and levi too, which is a whole other story).
but now i have the two most beautiful and perfect children in the world, and i couldnt be happier.
im discovering many things as i get to know my baby girl. she absolutely LOVES to be held, but she's starting to sleep better as the days and weeks pass. she only likes the pacifiers they give out at the hospital (the ugly turquoise soothie ones) even though ive tried just about every single other brand out there...and, she loves the swing (which levi HATED).
i wanted to post a couple pictures below of tali's favorite time of day- the bath. she LOVES the bath- loves the water swishing over her little body, loves looking at herself in the mirror, and could stay in there forever without fussing!!!!
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