Monday, March 14, 2011

Momma Said Knock You Out, Flu Gonna Knock You Out

Just when I was starting to feel better, it was time for a reminder of how bad life can feel. It started on Monday afternoon. A little tickle in the back of my throat, coughing some, then some more. By evening I was quite sure I was sick. Tuesday morning, still coughing now with some aches and a pounding headache. With my cough being worse, I decided to stay home and spare my co-workers. By that evening, I was wreck. Wednesday felt like a truck was dragging my body. I felt feverish, with chills and aches. I took 5 hot showers and 3 warm baths during the day and evening to try and feel better. Bobby, being knocked out with me, took turns with me to pick up Elliot and re-stock our tissues and juice. We layed in bed miserable together. Then Thursday came, and Friday. We finally started to feel human again when Elliot started with the same symptoms. A weekend of trying to care for an ill toddler with both of us ill was really hard. Thankfully, my mom came over for reinforcements.

Fast forward two weeks later and I am finally shaking my cough. Elliot is still dealing with his symptoms.

I don't know what this was. I don't know if it was the flu or just the worst cold I have ever had. Hopefully, I am done for the year now.

In other news, I have felt all kinds of squiggles and wiggles for the past several weeks so I guess I really do have a baby. Next up - anatomy ultrasound. The big question is - do we find out, or don't we?

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