Monday, January 3, 2011

I Remember Why I Hate This

Silly me. I can't believe I was foolish or hopeful enough to think that I might escape the worst of early pregnancy symptoms my second time around. Instead, I am descending into my own personal hell one level at a time. First, it was bloating, then came an overwhelming sense of smell. Recently, the sick, sour stomach feeling has appeared. Now, I don't know how I am going to get through the next several weeks. I am miserable, miserable, miserable. I can't remember how I managed to do it last time. I think I really did a tremendous job blocking it all out of my memory. Forgetting is clearly the only explanation for how I could be willing to do this again.

In another news, I went for an ultrasound today because I started having spotting out of nowhere. Luckily, everything looked great and I got to see the heart beating.

I'm ready to move onto the second trimester now . . .


Marni said...

since you shared on the blog, if you let me know your due date, i'll put up a floating baby botnick!!!

Abby said...

August 23rd

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! I'm pregnant now with my 2nd right now, too. (Due April 30th). I had horrible morning sickness and started taking an herbal supplement that I ordered from Amazon called Mommy's Bliss Morning Sickness Magic. It was a life saver! Good luck!