Monday, January 24, 2011

Talk About Anticlimactic

Perhaps it's time I officially post about my pregnancy. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, err, just ladies, the baby fever heckler is expecting!! Sorry for the anticlimactic announcement, I know my floating ticker countdown thing-a-majig has been happily floating away for about 6 or 8 weeks now, so I thought it was time to show my face. I've been meaning to post, but first it was the feelings of disgustingness and vomit city (much like Abby has been experiencing) that kept me from posting. Then it was the exhaustion and holiday craziness. Then a bout with that crazy 4 week long cold everyone seems to be coming down with. But now, I'm back, feeling better than ever, or about as good as a pregnant gal can feel and ready to blog!!

And a side note to Abby, hang in there, you're almost to that magic point!!

Every Day Is A Struggle

I am seriously just marking time here. Here is my daily schedule - wake up, feel sort of ok. Eat something light and bland for breakfast. Feel sick. Take a pill. Still feel sick. Put on something, anything to wear to work, no matter how shitty I look. Drive to work. Still sick. Try to work amidst stacks of backlogged assignments, all the while feeling lower than miserable. Eat lunch - doesn't matter what - feel sick some more. Indigestion. Indigestion. Indigestion. Dizzy spell, time to go home. Arrive home. Immediately put on something comfortable. Get into bed. Stay in bed feeling miserable until I fall asleep somewhere around 8pm. If I am feeling less worse, sometimes I help with bath time. I don't know why it feels worse this time. My guess is because I have more responsibilities. Also, maybe because I felt sick about 2 weeks earlier this time. I have a prescription for an anti-nausea medication, but it doesn't stop indigestion sickness, exhaustion, hot flashes, or other issues. Tomorrow is 10 weeks and I just can't wait to see the end of this trimester.

Oh, as an aside, happy belated halfway point Cara!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Feel So Gross . . .

Ugh, I just can't take it anymore. If I don't eat soon enough, I feel sick. Then, after eating the food just sits there in my stomach and I feel sick. It feels like time is going so slowly right now and I am losing my mind. Nothing helps except just sleeping through it. If only I could take a few weeks off work and just stay in bed all day until the symptoms go away. Can I get one of those medically-induced comas for first trimester?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sorry for the Anticlimactic Announcement

I guess my brain really is not on track. I guess my last post already announced it, but we're expecting again! See my last post for my current feelings on the subject. Sorry my baby ticker looks creepy.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I Remember Why I Hate This

Silly me. I can't believe I was foolish or hopeful enough to think that I might escape the worst of early pregnancy symptoms my second time around. Instead, I am descending into my own personal hell one level at a time. First, it was bloating, then came an overwhelming sense of smell. Recently, the sick, sour stomach feeling has appeared. Now, I don't know how I am going to get through the next several weeks. I am miserable, miserable, miserable. I can't remember how I managed to do it last time. I think I really did a tremendous job blocking it all out of my memory. Forgetting is clearly the only explanation for how I could be willing to do this again.

In another news, I went for an ultrasound today because I started having spotting out of nowhere. Luckily, everything looked great and I got to see the heart beating.

I'm ready to move onto the second trimester now . . .