im rounding this week so i cant just sit at my desk and pump at my scheduled times. i am out all morning, so i have to pump in my car.
i got a car adapter for my pump so i dont have to worry about batteries. I brought my book with me so i could just pull to the back of the parking lot so nobody would notice and i could read while im milked.
that was the plan at least.
when i finished my rounds at one hospital, i got back in my car to prepare, but i was frustrated that i couldnt just drive to the other hospital. i didnt want to sit in the car for 15 minutes to pump, then clean up, then drive 20 minutes to the other hospital. it just seemed like it would take so long to do all of that!
in my boldness, or craziness, or timeliness, or whatever you want to call it- i took a risk- all to save a few minutes.
i got my pump bra on, set up the pump, put my seatbelt on, and off i went. as the milk was pumped out of me, i drove down the HIGHWAY to the other hospital.
I set my cruise control because i had these images of driving too fast and getting pulled over and having the police man take one look at me and burst out laughing. i had visions of the police blotter in the newspaper with a report on this crazy woman who caused an accident because she was busy pumping while driving. i wondered if there was a law against doing this. no texting while driving. no pumping while driving?
well, i made it there safe and sound....saved myself about 20 minutes....and had absolutely no problems. i think i'll do the same thing again tomorrow. am i crazy?
That's just hilarious...I would say you are one resourceful & talented woman!!!
I think as long as you aren't actually feeding the baby, you should be fine to pump while you're driving! Way to make it work!!
I would say you are one resourceful & talented woman!!!
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