Friday, July 24, 2009
Hi, remember me?
I'm the Baby Fever slacker. I don't post, I don't have babies and I don't have baby fever. It's been a very exciting several months with the arrivals of the new babies and watching them grow. It's been fun to watch Levi interact with the babies and take on his new role as big brother. It has been exciting to watch Abby grow into her role as new mom and to watch Marni adjust to life with two children. It's extra exciting because Jami's arrival is right around the corner and it will be triple the fun! I love that I always have a baby to hold and play with and don't have to worry about sharing since there are so many babies. I was afraid that with the arrival of all the babies that I would catch the fever. No fever yet, but the good news is that all the babies didn't make me want to run the other way and never have children!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
tali's eating cereal!!!
today, tali turned 4 months old....and, as i practice what i preach, i decided to give her some rice cereal tonight....her 4 month check up is on thursday, but i got it in my head that we should do this today, so i picked up a box of rice cereal from whole foods, put her in her highchair when we were eating dinner, and let her chow down.
she was a little unsure of the whole thing, but in the end ate about 20 bites before she started to cry....and then she fell asleep in the high chair, so im not sure she was crying because she didnt like the food- i think she was crying because she was tired!
here is a little video of our food adventure this evening.
she was a little unsure of the whole thing, but in the end ate about 20 bites before she started to cry....and then she fell asleep in the high chair, so im not sure she was crying because she didnt like the food- i think she was crying because she was tired!
here is a little video of our food adventure this evening.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
jami's shower
i figured i would post some pictures from the fun shower we had for jami today.

we got to celebrate baby "beyonce" and shower jami with lots of fun gifts.

we had a lot of great food and drinks, and some yummy cake and cupcakes!

here is jami with diane (joey's mom), who had tons of fun hanging out with all of us at her first baby shower ever!

our shower activity was onesie painting.

Each guest was given a white onesie to decorate with fabric paint and then jami will have lots of newborn onesies to dress the baby in (or perhaps wear to bed or wear under other clothes if they arent the most fashionable clothing!).
we got to celebrate baby "beyonce" and shower jami with lots of fun gifts.
we had a lot of great food and drinks, and some yummy cake and cupcakes!
here is jami with diane (joey's mom), who had tons of fun hanging out with all of us at her first baby shower ever!
our shower activity was onesie painting.
Each guest was given a white onesie to decorate with fabric paint and then jami will have lots of newborn onesies to dress the baby in (or perhaps wear to bed or wear under other clothes if they arent the most fashionable clothing!).
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
picture this

im rounding this week so i cant just sit at my desk and pump at my scheduled times. i am out all morning, so i have to pump in my car.
i got a car adapter for my pump so i dont have to worry about batteries. I brought my book with me so i could just pull to the back of the parking lot so nobody would notice and i could read while im milked.
that was the plan at least.
when i finished my rounds at one hospital, i got back in my car to prepare, but i was frustrated that i couldnt just drive to the other hospital. i didnt want to sit in the car for 15 minutes to pump, then clean up, then drive 20 minutes to the other hospital. it just seemed like it would take so long to do all of that!
in my boldness, or craziness, or timeliness, or whatever you want to call it- i took a risk- all to save a few minutes.
i got my pump bra on, set up the pump, put my seatbelt on, and off i went. as the milk was pumped out of me, i drove down the HIGHWAY to the other hospital.
I set my cruise control because i had these images of driving too fast and getting pulled over and having the police man take one look at me and burst out laughing. i had visions of the police blotter in the newspaper with a report on this crazy woman who caused an accident because she was busy pumping while driving. i wondered if there was a law against doing this. no texting while driving. no pumping while driving?
well, i made it there safe and sound....saved myself about 20 minutes....and had absolutely no problems. i think i'll do the same thing again tomorrow. am i crazy?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm Back, and I LOVE Being a Mom!
Here I am, finally stumbling out of my new mom stupor and ready to rejoin the real world, sort of. The past three months have been full of ups and a few downs, but mostly a lot of happiness and amazement at the transformation being undertaken in our house.
The labor was long because of the induction, and my body didn't decided to get with the program until about the 24th hour. But a short and relatively painless delivery followed thanks to an epidural (the cure for what ails) and a mere 30 minutes of pushing (I AM thankful for my wide hips - you always said I would be mom!). After a first degree tear (ouch) and an injured urethra (double ouch) out slid baby Botnick into the world and into our lives forever. I immediately noticed that his head was perfect and, of course, that he was a HE. Then I got to hold him close and notice details like his luxuriously long eyelashes, the little mark on his nose, how he has Bobby's toenails (sorry, kiddo), and how he looked just like I had imagined he would. It all went by so fast that before I knew it I was trying to breastfeed for the first time without any assistance while my nurse went for what I can only imagine was a ciggy break. It wasn't perfect by any means and even though I had read books and taken a class I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn't until an hour later that the exhaustion set in and I felt the full toll of the labor. And MAN, was I STARVING!!! My first meal? A whopper. I am not proud to admit it, but I felt I had earned it.
Unfortunately, after arriving home and suffering the great milk arrival of 2009 ,(I was not at all prepared for the burning, tingling, rock hard hot mess that was my boobs), things took a turn for the worse. The baby was fine - dare I say perfect. He slept well, ate well, hardly cried, and was very tolerant of all of the staring, cooing, and oogling from our relatives and friends. But I was a wreck, which is putting it very lightly. I didn't want to get out of bed, felt panicked all of the time, cried incessantly, and felt oppressive grief over the loss of "my life." I was hoping it was just the blues, but rolling onto week 2 it was still there. So, thanks to a very loving husband who called my doctor in spite of my embarrassment and my "I don't want to be that annoying person that overreacts and calls the doctor for no reason" I ended up in my OB's office. I was promptly diagnosed with the super-technical "more than baby blues but not quite crazy enough to hurt yourself or the baby anxiety/depression thingamajig." Long story short, I promptly got on meds and feel much much MUCH better. The moral here? Don't be embarrassed about getting help, and, if you feel like jumping off your roof or running out on your marriage because you feel like you can't take the anxiety anymore, you're probably not just overreacting.
Fast forward three months and I feel like making Elliot was the best thing Bobby and I ever did together. As someone who always wanted to be a "business lady" growing up and never a mom, I have totally shocked myself with the feelings I have for that little boy. Honestly, if I could I I would stay home and play with him all day, every day. He has these big blue eyes that smile when he smiles just like his dad. And he is a wiggly busy guy who likes to hear himself "talk", just like his mama. We're now at the stage where he is emerging from this larvae-like condition into a real baby. He's even reaching for things, trying to get them in his mouth, and trying to roll over (if only he could coordinate his top and lower halves to move at the same time!). It's like all of the sudden this little thing is interactive!
But the three month mark is not without heartbreak, and today was a difficult day for me - probably the saddest day I have had in a long time (not counting hormone-induced post partum ickies). I returned to work. For those of you aware of my quandry (shout out to my book club girls) you know how I felt about this step. All in all it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I watched the clock all day long and kept looking at the picture of him that I had with me. And then I raced to pick him up. As I approached the front door I could hear him fussing around, but as soon as I walked in the room he stopped on a dime and that was the best feeling in the world.
For those of you who are moms, I now understand. I get it. And I love it. For those of you on the fence, take it from a former fence-sitter (and man, was I ever) it is so much more worth it than you can imagine.
The labor was long because of the induction, and my body didn't decided to get with the program until about the 24th hour. But a short and relatively painless delivery followed thanks to an epidural (the cure for what ails) and a mere 30 minutes of pushing (I AM thankful for my wide hips - you always said I would be mom!). After a first degree tear (ouch) and an injured urethra (double ouch) out slid baby Botnick into the world and into our lives forever. I immediately noticed that his head was perfect and, of course, that he was a HE. Then I got to hold him close and notice details like his luxuriously long eyelashes, the little mark on his nose, how he has Bobby's toenails (sorry, kiddo), and how he looked just like I had imagined he would. It all went by so fast that before I knew it I was trying to breastfeed for the first time without any assistance while my nurse went for what I can only imagine was a ciggy break. It wasn't perfect by any means and even though I had read books and taken a class I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn't until an hour later that the exhaustion set in and I felt the full toll of the labor. And MAN, was I STARVING!!! My first meal? A whopper. I am not proud to admit it, but I felt I had earned it.
Unfortunately, after arriving home and suffering the great milk arrival of 2009 ,(I was not at all prepared for the burning, tingling, rock hard hot mess that was my boobs), things took a turn for the worse. The baby was fine - dare I say perfect. He slept well, ate well, hardly cried, and was very tolerant of all of the staring, cooing, and oogling from our relatives and friends. But I was a wreck, which is putting it very lightly. I didn't want to get out of bed, felt panicked all of the time, cried incessantly, and felt oppressive grief over the loss of "my life." I was hoping it was just the blues, but rolling onto week 2 it was still there. So, thanks to a very loving husband who called my doctor in spite of my embarrassment and my "I don't want to be that annoying person that overreacts and calls the doctor for no reason" I ended up in my OB's office. I was promptly diagnosed with the super-technical "more than baby blues but not quite crazy enough to hurt yourself or the baby anxiety/depression thingamajig." Long story short, I promptly got on meds and feel much much MUCH better. The moral here? Don't be embarrassed about getting help, and, if you feel like jumping off your roof or running out on your marriage because you feel like you can't take the anxiety anymore, you're probably not just overreacting.
Fast forward three months and I feel like making Elliot was the best thing Bobby and I ever did together. As someone who always wanted to be a "business lady" growing up and never a mom, I have totally shocked myself with the feelings I have for that little boy. Honestly, if I could I I would stay home and play with him all day, every day. He has these big blue eyes that smile when he smiles just like his dad. And he is a wiggly busy guy who likes to hear himself "talk", just like his mama. We're now at the stage where he is emerging from this larvae-like condition into a real baby. He's even reaching for things, trying to get them in his mouth, and trying to roll over (if only he could coordinate his top and lower halves to move at the same time!). It's like all of the sudden this little thing is interactive!
But the three month mark is not without heartbreak, and today was a difficult day for me - probably the saddest day I have had in a long time (not counting hormone-induced post partum ickies). I returned to work. For those of you aware of my quandry (shout out to my book club girls) you know how I felt about this step. All in all it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I watched the clock all day long and kept looking at the picture of him that I had with me. And then I raced to pick him up. As I approached the front door I could hear him fussing around, but as soon as I walked in the room he stopped on a dime and that was the best feeling in the world.
For those of you who are moms, I now understand. I get it. And I love it. For those of you on the fence, take it from a former fence-sitter (and man, was I ever) it is so much more worth it than you can imagine.
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