Monday, June 15, 2009

It's about time......

I update this blog! Where to begin..............

Last Tuesday I went to OB for my monthly check up and everything was great. The baby's heart rate was in the 150s (I love that sound!), I was measuring at 25 weeks and all my labs were fantastic. My next appointment is in 3 weeks and that is for an ultrasound and BPP - this is when the extra testing starts since I'm high risk due to type 1 diabetes. The bad news is I will have appointments every 2 weeks then once a week then twice a week for the last few weeks but the good news is I get to see the baby at each of those appointments. I can't wait to see that little baby!

Oh, the soccer practice in my belly has begun. I always hear people mention feeling a little flutter or little kicks - there is nothing subtle about the kicking going on right now. It is the absolute coolest feeling ever and so amazing there is a baby in there! I love the kicks and can't wait to meet the little one who is doing them.

FINALLY we started registering and thinking about how to decorate the nursery. I have been avoiding this because I wanted to be sure everything was okay. I'm feeling excited and we have so much to do! There is a ton of stuff you need for a baby and its all really fun to pick out.

For now I will enjoy figuring out how to decorate the nursery and feeling good - I'm at the point where my belly is big but not big enough to be really uncomfortable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's about time......"
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